Fuljhar Development project Basna – 22558


Children Day and Sports day was organized by CLA at Kalmidadadar village of basna block. There were 321 Children, staff and guest participated in the program. On this occasion cultural program, games Musical Chiar race, Jalebi daud, 100 meter race, Kabbadi, Kho-kho etc. conducted for the children. winner children were honored with gifts. All the participants were happy.

Children Day and Sports day


Celebration of World Orange day was organized by women at Gohedadar village. There were 51 women participated in the celebration. Women had organized various games for all such as Jalebi daud, Kabbadi, Lota daud, Matkaphod.

Children Day and Sports day



Workshop for CLA members on government livelihood entitlements was organized to increase knowledge on the existing schemes. The resource person was Mr. Jailal patel Secretary of Dhanapali panchayat . There were 59 CLA and SHG members participated in the workshop and increased their knowledge about MNREGA, Social Security Schemes , PM awas yojana, Shed for goat or cow, importance of Gram sabha.


Training on Cluster level Function at Kolkata. There are there are 36 participants were participated from 8 organizations.


Follow up training on functional literacy for CLA, SHG and staff members . There were 85 members participated in the training. The resource persons were Mrs. Megha singh ANM and Mr. Rahul Nand.


Celebration of World Women's Day, the chief guest were MLA Mr. Devendrara Bahadur sing ji, 111 women participated the program and organized cultural and sport for women.

Formation of Bal sabha in 10 villages. There are 10 Balsabhas are formed.



Training on Leadership was organized for Vandna SHG at Gohedadar

Training on communication was organized for Muskan SHG at pitaipali

Social mapping

Child rights’ situation analysis through social mapping was organized by Fuljhar staff at Chapia and Dhamanghutkuri villages. 38 children participated in the program.

Village Dhamanghutkuri village Chapia

Problem tree analysis

Problem tree analysis was conducted at gohedadar for children. There were 15 children participated.

Flower Support problem analysis

Flower Support problem analysis was organized by staff at Gohedadar and Kodopali with 37 children in different villages.

Well being analysis

Well being analysis was conducted at Chandrahasini by SHG at kandadongar.

Circle of Influence workshop

Circle of Influence workshop was conducted for children at Pitaipali and Padkipali. 35 children participated in the program.

Training on functional literacy

Training on functional literacy was organized at Kandandongar for Durga Self Help Group and Samleshwari SHG.

Training on CLA development and management

Training on CLA development and management was organized for CLA and SHG members. The aims of training to provide basic understanding about the CLA dynamics, development and management. 54 CLA and SHG members participated in the training. The resource person was Mrs. Binita freelancer.

Training on kitchen garden for CLA members

Training on kitchen garden was organized for CLA members at Bhanwarpur. The resource person was Mr. Vivek Sing REHO from Horticulture Department. There were 52 participants. After the training, seeds were distributed for SHG members.

Children Day Celebration

Children Day and Sports day Celebration was organized at Gohedadar and Kalmidadar. 153 children at Gohedadar and 157 children participated at Kalmidadar in the program. On this occasion cultural program and sport was conducted for children. Winners were honored by small gifts.

World women’s day celebration

World Women's Day and World Orange day celebration was organized at Gohedadar and Kalmidada. On this day sport and cultural program was organized for women. 114 SHG and CLA participated in the program.

Rural Coaching centre

Annual Gathering

Annual Gathering for coaching centre students was conducted at Seva Sadan Tatibandh on 14th and 15th December 2020. 38 selected students & 22 teachers were present for the gathering. Children’s rights were taught. On this occasion there were various games & competitions were conducted.

Activities at the rural coaching centre

Exercises done by children      Exercises done by children

Conducting Bal Sabha meetings and their activities Craft and drawing competition


Misereor Project -

Quarterly Review and planning

The quarterly review meeting was conducted at Seva Sadan, Tatibandh from 27th to 29th January. 16 staff and project coordinator were present for the meeting. Food bank for the poorest in PLFs was inaugurated.

Inter federation meeting

Inter federation meeting was organized on 21st -22nd January 2021 with Panchayat leaders. 48 leaders from 25 federations participated. During this meeting, PLF leaders shared their achievements. Also, Santoshi Khare was honoured as best service render for Dalit group.

Workshop for the elected women Panchayat representatives

Workshop for the elected women Panchayat representatives was organized from 19th to 2oth December 202o with Panchayat leaders. 48 leaders from 25 federation participated. Mr. Amrit Panday gave the input session on roles and responsibility of Panchayat leaders.

Minutes of the Annual General Body Meeting of Raipur Diocesan Social Welfare Society for the Year 2019- 2020

The Annual General body meeting of the Raipur Diocesan Social Welfare Society for the year 2019- 2020 was held on 26th November 2020 at Seva Sadan, Tatibandh, Raipur. The Meeting started with the brief welcome by Sr. Deepti Minj and Secretary and Director of RDSWS. The meeting begin with lighting the lamp by Archbishop Victor Henry Thakur the president of RDSWS society and other dignitaries with short prayer. Deepti shared the meeting agenda and called upon the secretary to take over the meeting agenda.

The President, Rev. Dr. Victor Hendry Thakur, Archbishop started his address by welcoming all the members for the general body meeting. He appreciated Fr. Joseph Raj and his team members for their services to the deprived society. He also shared the incident happened on 26/11 attack and shared the pandemic of COVID-19 and how to take prevention for this pandemic. He suggested first we need to change ourselves and then change others.

After the report of the last AGM, a team of RDSWS staff presented the report of different projects - Strengthening of Panchayat Level Federations, KNH, coaching centre, NEG Fire, Utthan and sponsorship programme. After the presentation of these two programs, Bishop replied that in this presentation we not only listening to the presentation but also, we learned many important topics especially about the women federations. He was also impressed with the work done by the federation’s women during pandemic. While appreciating the different works of RDSWS some suggestions came up to work for the youth and farmers.

8 women were appreciated and honoured for their substantial works in the area of women empowerment, mahila gram sabha , 3 model coaching centre teachers for their best performance through promotion of Bal Sabha and 2 Baiga community leaders on promotion of community led NTFT product for collective marketing . After the presentation of the audit statement, there was a brief sharing of the future plans. Then there was election of the executive members and the auditor. Sr. Deepti invited Fr. Sebastian Poomattam, the vice president to conclude the general body meeting and formally propose the vote of thanks. Thus the meeting was concluded. Total 36 members were present for the meeting and after the lunch all dispersed.

Misereor Project -

1. Training and Exposure program

Training and exposure program was organized on 11 November 2020 for UTTHAN Project coordinators and animators on formation of Cooperative and women Gramsabha at Patora . Fr. Joseph Raj the Director of RDSWS, Mr. Cosmos Joseph the state officer of Caritas India, Mr. Anand B. chief coordinator of RDSWS, Sr. Deepti Minj Regional coordinator of CG Forum and 12 UTTHAN project coordinators, Animators and 3 farmers visited the women cooperative.

Field Visit By Chief Coordinator Mr. Anand B.

Meeting Conducted with Panchayat Federation leaders & its members at Pamgarh, Kansa, Malkharoda and Parshahi . The purpose of the meeting was promotion of Kitchen Garden and strengthening the roles responsibility of women PLF leaders.

Meeting with Federation women at Chandaniya

Monitoring of the Kitchen garden preparation in the field

Rural Coaching centre program -

International Non-Violence Day

The International Day of Non-Violence was observed Coaching centre students on 2 October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. On this day various program was organized by teachers such as fancy dress, Essay, slogan,writing, Painting etc.

Drawing competition organized for coaching centre children

Hand washing day observed Coaching children

Fuljhar Development Project Basna – 22558

Month September to November – 2020

Children’s day celebration

14th November 2020 on the occasion of children’s day, children were given gift fruit tree saplings.

Child Situation Analysis (Social mapping)

Objective of the activity:-

1. To identify the places where the child rights are being violated.
2. The program was conducted at pitaipali and chapia. There were 59 children participated in the program .

Body Mapping

Objective of the activity:-

1. To Know and discuss about children's likeness / dislike.
2. Body mapping workshop was conducted in 5 villages. There were 49 children 29 girls and 20 boys Participated

Identification of Duty bearers through Flower

Objective of the activity:-

1. Identifying the duty bearer.
2.Delivering your message to the duty bearer.

10 operational villages facilitated flower making support to identify the duty bearers. There were 117 children participated

Problem Tree analysis

Objective of the activity:-

1.Identifying the problem by children and understanding its real reasons.
2.Make an action plan to overcome the problem by themselves. .

Workshop on problem tree analysis was condcucted in 5 Villages. The total number of children were participated 63 .

Distribution of Fruit Sapling


1.Livelihood Security .
2.Awareness about climate changes issues.

10 villages planted 1000 saplings in their own field by SHG members such as Guava, Papaya, Jackfruit, Custard apple, Munga, berries

Power walk

Objective of the training:-

1. To get information about who has resources and who does not have them.
2.To bring the deprived people parallel.

Workshop on power walk was conducted at Pitaipali and Dhanapali . There were 43 Stakeholder.

Well Being Analysis


1. To know the status of how many people were in A,B,C and D at the time of SHG formation and which place they have reached at present.
2. In 10 SHG 109 SHGs members actively participated in well being analysis

Summer Camp (Painting competition )

Handicraft program conducted for children

Akshar and Numeric gyan

Drawing competition organized for Coaching centre children during Lockdown at Basna

Submission of Application to Sarpanch by CLA member on CC Road construction in the village

UTTHAN Program

Training and Exposure program

Exposure program for UTTHAN Project coordinators and animators on Capacity building of staff on process involved in cultivation of kodo and kutki . Fr. Joseph Raj the Director of RDSWS, Mr. Cosmos Joseph the state officer of Caritas India, Mr. Anand B. chief coordinator of RDSWS, Sr. Deepti Minj Regional coordinator of CG Forum and 12 UTTHAN project coordinators, Animators and 3 farmers attended the training and visited KVK Raipur .

Exposure visit of KVK Raipur

Promotion of Nutrition Food for children and women

Meeting with Vulnerable families by Animator

Distribution of the of Fruit and timber tree saplings

Activities done by during lockdown through the help of RDSWS & Caritas India


Bilashpur, Jangrir- Champa, Durg, Raipur,Korba , Mahasamund

Location/Village/Area- Bilaspur S.H.C, Belgahna, Cenacle Ashram, Chakarbhata, Janjgir Jairam Nagar Pipersatti & Raipur.


  • Survey &identification of the daily wages labors, Rickshaw pullers & poor families from different parishes& made list list.
  • Networking with other likeminded NGOs
  • Awareness towards Sensitization distancing ,use of mask and hand wash
  • Dry ray ration supply for 5400 poor families & daily wage earners
  • Mask distribution and other hygiene materials for protection
  • 1. Dry Ration/food kit – 5400 families were given provisions worth Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand only)

    2. Hygiene kit - Hygiene kits were distributed such as Bathing Soap, Washing Soap, Detergent & masks for 4300 families.

    3. Community kitchen established - There are 2 community kitchen run by fathers, religious sisters & volunteers at Bilashpur area. They have served meal / lunch every day 300- 400 people.

    4. Hygiene promotion - Hygiene promotion awareness program was conducted in the various villages by animators, Volunteers. All the guide lines of the prevention of Covid- 19 introduced in their local language. Demonstration of the hand washing with the people. Importance of the social distancing.

    1. Dry food kits distributed by Fr. Francis T & Volunteers at Bilaspur.

    2. Dry ration distribution for the poor families by Fathers & sisters.

    3. Cooked food was served for poor people by Fathers & Volunteers at Bilaspur.

    4. Cooked food was served for poor people by Cenacle Ashram Sister.

    Activities done by Women Federation for the relief work of Covid – 19

    1. Dry Ration kit distributed by different women federation leaders for 851 families -

    2. 500 mask & hygiene kits were distributed for the people.

    3. Demonstration of Hand Washing for the hygiene.

    4. Social distancing awareness program for the people by PLF leaders

    Fuljhar Development Project Basna

    Training on Gender equality for Samleshwari SHG

    Training on gender equality for women SHG members was organised on 24.01.2020 at Kanda Dongar. The participants became aware about their equal rights.

    Kitchen Garden by women

    Bal Sansad Meeting

    Bal Sansad meeting was organised 20 -22 .01.2020 in 7 villages namely Dhanapali, Kanddongar,Dhaman, ghutkuri ,Paraskol, Gohedadar & Padkipali. During their meeting some children related issues were discussed such as school dropout children’s their problems. Also different programs were conducted such as games, competition on speech and debate on environment protection.

    Child Parliament Awareness Programs

    Children’s Parliament awareness program was condcuted in 2 villages namely Dhamanghutkuri & Paraskole. Action plan has been prepared by the Children's Parliament (Mahavir) village Kandadongar to clean the school premises and will also put garbage in the dustbin.

    Cleaning the pond

    Balvir Child village paraskole Parliament prepared action plan for Everybody takes a bath in the pond, snaps the teeth and throws them out, Nirma, the polythene of the soap pocket is lying there, that's why its cleaning plan was made.

    Training on Functional Literacy

    Information about 112 and Child line 1098

    Annual General Body meeting of RDSWS

    Venue - Seva Sadan, Tatibandh, Raipur
    Date -7/12/2019

    The Annual General Body meeting of RDSWS began at 10.30 a.m. on 7/12/2019 at Seva Sadan, Tatibandh, Raipur. At the beginning the director, Fr.Joseph Raj invited every one followed by a short prayer by Sr. Deepti Minj. The president, Rev. Dr. Victor Hendry Thakur, Archbishop of Raipur archdiocese appreciated Fr. Joseph Raj and the staff for their quality service to the humanity through different projects and interventions. Referring the passage from the Bible (Jn. 3:6), God so loved the world that He gave His only son to the world, he based the social work ministry of the archdiocese on love. In the holy season of advent, the Nazareth manifesto of Jesus is a reminder for all to love and care for the poor who are helpless. We are called to be real examples and models for others, and not just doers only.

    After the report of the last AGM, a team of RDSWS staff presented the report of different projects - Strengthening of Panchayat Level Federations, KNH, coaching centre, NEG Fire, Utthan and sponsorship programme. Good participation was there from the floor by their discussions, clarification and suggestions. While appreciating the different works of RDSWS some suggestions came up to work for the youth and farmers. For this Fr. Benjamin SAC shared about the Don Bosco training centre at Kapa where youth are offered training in different trades. Archbishop appreciated the social works done by different congregations in the archdiocese. Four women were appreciated and honoured for their substantial works in the area of women empowerment, mahila gram sabha and model coaching centre. After the presentation of the audit statement, there was a brief sharing of the future plans. Then there was election of the executive members and the auditor. Then the Archbishop invited Fr. Rashmikant SAC and Sr. Gyani to share their works in the field of social work in Bilaspur and Madanpur area. Fr. Sebastian Poomattam, VG, thanked all the members for their presence and valuable contribution. Total 36 members were present for the meeting and after the lunch all dispersed.

    Coaching Centre

    Coaching centre review meeting

    Coaching centre teachers orientation program was organized by RDSWS on 28- 31 July 2019 at Seva Sadan Tatibandh. There were 23 teachers participated in the program. During this program English teacher Ms Sujata & Mathematic teacher Mr. Goverdhan Nand from Bhart Mata School.

    Review Cum Exposure

    Review meeting of Coaching centre teachers was organized by RDSWS at Seva Sadan Tatibandh on 9-10 August 2019 . There were 19 teachers participated in the program.

    Children’s parliament program

    Children’s parliament program was facilitated by RDSWS for all the coaching centre teachers on 15- 18 October 2019 at Seva Sadan Tatibandh. The Resource persons from Delhi PRATYEK organization Rsashi Mitri , Yasas Saeed Khan National coordinator facilitated the program. There were 23 teachers received training on the steps of formation of the children’s parliament.

    Annual Gathering

    Annual Gathering for coaching centre students was conducted at Seva Sadan Tatibandh on 9-10 November 2019 . There were 66 selected students & teachers were called for the gathering. On this occasion there were various games & competition was conducted. All the winner students were award.

    Project: NEG

    Summer Camp was organized at different cluster level for the children. On this occasion various competition & cultural program was organized for the children.

    Education Awareness Rally by the students in the village

    Project: UTTHAN

    TOT on Traditional Agriculture & Legal Document

    TOT on traditional agriculture & legal document was conducted on 19-20 June 2019 for village leaders & CBOs of the project area from 10 villages at Seva Sadan Tatibandh. There were 35 participated in training.

    Exposure on Promotion of Vegetable garden

    Exposure program on promotion of vegetable garden was organized by RDSWS Community leaders & farmers on 21/06/2019 at SRT Selud under Patan block. There were 35 participants were taken for the exposure.

    Women Gram Sabha

    Training on women gram Sabha was organized by RDSWS for PVGTs community women’s at Seva Sadan Tatibandh on 22 /06/2019. There were 35 women & men participated in the program.

    Name of Project - Misereor

    Federation leaders training program at Seva Sadan Tatibandh 5-6/08/2019

    Institutional Strengthening program at Seva Sadan 5-6/11/2019

    Staff Review meeting

    Fuljhar Development Project Basna – 22558

    Conducted Activities during the Project period 2018-19


    Orange day was celebrated with SHGs, CLA members and 9 Fuljhar staff. There were 81 women participated in the program.

    Training on GENDER

    Training on Gender equality was organized for 12 SHG women . The training was facilitated by Miss Komolika of KNH staff and Fuljhar project staff .


    Goal setting Training program was organized by Fuljhar staff for SHG and CLA members at Basna . There were 42 women & 8 staff participated in training.

    Training on CLA Development and Management

    Training on CLA development was conducted at Basna . There were 60 SHGs, CLA and 9 Fuljhar members participated in the training. This has provided basic understanding about the CLA dynamics self development and management.


    Training on Goat rearing and linkages with line department

    Training on Goat rearing and linkages with line department was organized for self help & CLA members. There were 56 members from different SHG & CLA participated in the training.

    Training on mushroom cultivation

    Mushroom cultivation training was conducted for CLA and SHGs. There were 60 women from SHG, CLA & Fuljhar staff participated in the training.

    Training on accounts and book keeping to CLA

    Training on book keeping was conducted for SHGs and CLA leaders .There were 36 members participated in the training. This training was facilitated by Fuljhar project staff.

    Training to CLA members for the kitchen garden

    Training on kitchen garden was organized for SHG members. There were 25 Participant from different SHGs and 9 Fuljhar project staff attended the training.

    Training on pisci culture and linkages with line department

    Training on pisci culture and linkages with line department was organized by Fuljhar for 75 SHG and CLA members.

    Workshop on government livelihood entitlements

    Workshop on government livelihood entitlements program was organized for CLA members to increase knowledge on the existing schemes on government livelihood entitlements. There were 46 SHG members participated in the workshop.

    MISEREOR Project Activities

    Orientation and input session on Women`s Gram Sabha

    Date 25th to 28th April 2019

    Orientation on women Gram Sabha was conducted for selected women federation leaders in field level in different places. The main Resource persons were Mr. Sunil Gayakwad and Smt. Sandaya from Amhadnagar Maharashtra gave input session on women gram Sabha. The following places program was conducted by RDSWS :-

    Malkharod District Janjgir-Champa , Date:25/04/2019

    There were 33 women leaders from different 11 federations (Kansa) Dabra and Malkharoda block attended the training on women gram Sabha.

    Madanpur, District Korba Date: 26/04/2019

    There were 25 women leaders from different 7 federations in Korba block attended the Training program on Women Gram Sabha.

    Parsahi Akaltara Masturi block District Janjgir-Champa and Bilaspur. Date: 27/04/2019

    There were 36 women leaders from 12 different federations attended the workshop on Women Gram Shaba.

    Pathora (Selud), District Durg Date: 28/04/2019

    There were 36 women leaders from different 7 federations attended the training in Patan block.

    Training of trainers

    Date 6th to 7th June 2019.

    Training of trainers program was conducted on 6th to 7th 2019 at Seva Sada Tatibandh Raipur. There were 32 women participated from different Panchayat level women Federations which are functioning in several villages of Korba, Bilaspur, Janjgir-Champa and Durg Districts.

    The main topics were dealt on functions of federations, women Gramsabha, Main Gramsabha, women & child development related schemes and roles, responsibility of trainers.

    UTTHAN – An Adivasi Awakening

    Leadership Training For CBOs

    Leadership Training was conducted in 10 villages in Shitalpani, Grra, Bodalpani, Khilahi Machhiyakona, Krmandah, Jamunpani, Bcharukona ,Mudvahi and Boda-47 under Bodla Block Kabirdham District.

    RDSWS CHILPI team has done marathon rapport building sessions in past three months(Jan-Mar 2019) therefore RDSWS helped Baiga community to form their own CBOs and elect their own representative.

    Village level consultation and sensitization for nutrition.

    Village level consultations and sensitization campaigns in the 10 target villages organized in this village level CBOs strengthened, Identified the need of the people ,prepared the application for the Legal document ,health teaching about malnutrition, hygeining, protection of the of the common disease ,about common rights and giving awareness their unity etc.

    These are the ten villages where the Village level consultations and sensitization campaigns organized in Shitalpani, Grra, Bodalpani, Khilahi Machhiyakona, Krmandah, Jamunpani, Bcharukona ,Mudvahi and Boda-47 under Bodla Block Kabirdham District.

    CASE STUDIES (on success & failure)

    Case Study- 1 : Suffering from livelihood problem 'Santu Baiga'

    Mr. Santu baiga is from village Bodalpani. He has land but it is not usable for agriculture then also he planted Kodo-Kutki but failed to harvest due to less rain. In order to fulfill the needs of the family for earning money, he migrated to a village called Banki on 24.03.19 with family. Mr. Santu baiga - 32yr, Mrs. Hiroudi bai - 30yr, sagiya - 11yr, Rasila - 3yr, Sevati - 18months. The distance from Bodalpani to banki is 78km. Since because of migration the family was not able to get benefits from Govt. schemes such as ICDS, MDM, etc. On 14.04.19 the family returned to home village. Because of poor labor conditions and minimum wages and one month of starvation ( lack of food security) has caused the death of Mrs. Hiroudi Bai on 15.04.19.

    Case Study- 2 : Malnutrition

    In the 10 target village health status is very poor due to the malnutrition, lack of money, knowledge and awareness. In the target villages 18 Aganwadih centres are functioning. According to the Agnwadih records there are total 510 children. Among those 25 are highly malnutrition,59-middle and 421-children are normal status. Therefore the Aganwadih records are not authentic. Through the house hold visit and personal interaction with the parents, physical assessment of the children, there are around 25 more cases are found. According to team observation, there are more than 56 children affected by malnutrition in the target villages due to this children have less immunity and chances for more diseases. Thus they are become weak and life span lesser and die of early age (around 40-50 of age).

    This is the case study of 7 high risk malnutrion suffering children in the villages of shital pani., Bothal pani and Matchiakona…

    In the month of February , RDSWS staff team met the parents and motivated them to send the children to Nutrition Recovery Center (NRC) at Jalmela run by the Government.

    Only 3 families agreed. The children got admitted in NRC . They were treated as residents and they got better and discharged.

    Our team did not give up on the other 4 children. The families were instructed to prepare the supplementary food out of kodo /kutki and vegetables . The children got well.

    Orientation program on UTTHAN Project for Staff

    UTTHAN Program project orientation program was conducted at Seva sadan Tatibandh for 6 staff by RDSWS. UTTHAN program of the objective, output of the program was explained to the participants.

    Coaching centre

    Annual Gathering for the selected students of coaching centre

    Annual gathering for selected students were organised at Seva Sadan Tatibandh, Raipur on 22nd December 2018. The total number of the students was 42. There were various Competitions for the students such as hand writing, English reading, Mathematics, Drawing cultural program and also teacher’s performance conducted and prizes were given to the winners.

    Visit to Nandanvan park during Annual gathering

    Picnic for the children

    22 Coaching centre children were taken for Picnic in their own places.

    Sports day

    Review meeting

    Review meeting was conducted with coaching centre teachers on Date 31 August 2018. There 22 coaching centre teachers.

    Misereor project

    Quarterly Review Meeting & Planning Meeting

    Quarterly review meeting was conducted on 28th to 29th January 2019. There were 13 staff participated in the meeting. During this meeting program activities and its outcome was evaluated regarding the status of the federation.

    Training of Trainers for Federation leaders

    Three days of training on TOT was conducted for federation leaders to strengthen the capacity of the federation members for the sustainable development. There were 35 selected women leaders from different federation participated in this training.


    Field visit by Coordinator

  • Coaching centres are very much needed and on demand by the parents in the villages.
  • Children show more interest in education as they gain knowledge day by day.
  • Through sports and games children are motivated to attend regular classes.
  • 713 children improved in English and mathematics subjects through our coaching class and passed out from 8th standard so far and are now doing well in their study.
  • Our heartfelt thanks to KINDERMISSIONWERK’s contribution for the bright future of the rural children in the Archdiocese of Raipur.
  • Coaching the poor and underprivileged children in the rural villages is a beautiful and noble service.

  • Misereor Program

    RDSWS Rural Women Convention

    22nd July to 24th July 2018

    Rural Women convention was inaugurated by Rv. Archbishop Victor Henry Thakur of Raipur Diocese along with JMJ provincial Sr. Rosily, Director of RDSWS Fr. Joseph Raj, Director of XISA Fr. Stany Tirkey & other Priests. Diocesan Social Welfare Society took the initiative to bring together the block level Women leaders of various SHG federations from all over the state in “Annual Convention of Women Federation” The Annual Convention of Women Federations aimed at creating platform for the Block leaders to share and gain experiences on various aspects with the view of strengthening SHG Movement in the Chhattisgarh state. Organizing SHG federation leaders through the Annual convention has proved to be an effective platform for sharing learning’s and dissemination of knowledge and best practices. There were 78 Raipur participants.

    Social Audit of the Federation

    Social audit of the federation was conducted in the month of July 2018 under 5 centre Kansa, Malkharoda, Madanpur, Parsahi and Risda. There were 9 Panchayats federation social Audit was done by the regional coordinator and field coordinator.

    Seed Exchange Mela at Pandaria under Parsahi

    Promotion of women Gramsabha training panchayat level

    Training on process of women Gram Sabha was conducted in 9 Panchayats in the of April 2018 Namely – Minimata Federation Bamhnin Parsahi, Unnati Federation Bana Parsahi, Chachiya Madanpur, Nigrani Samiti Akoljmora , Chandni Federation Bade Kate Koni , Kiran Federation Kurda, Savitri Phuly Nagjhar Malkharoda, Fulwari federation Bhatchwra Risda & Adrsh federation Risda .

    Exposure program for Volunteers at Patna Tarumitra

    Exposure program on climate change volunteers was organized on 24th March 2018 to Traumata at Patna for federation leaders .There were 34 participants went for exposure . The purpose of exposure to create volunteers among the women federation leaders to motivate villagers to adapt organic farming. The orientation on organic farming was given by Miss Margret the chief Coordinator of the Tarumitra . After the orientation different methods of organic farming was introduced & demonstrated by the volunteers of Tarumitra in the field. The following methods were shown – Soil moisture , methods of organic manure making, malty crop plantation etc. All the women were very happy to see and learned the simple methods of faming.

    International Women’s Day at Dalhapodi

    Annual Governing Body Meeting

    Annual Governing Body meeting of RDSWS was held on 15th of November 2017 at Seva Sadan Tatibandh. Meeting was presided by Most Rev Dr. Archbishop Victor Henry Thakur, the president of RDSWS Raipur. The participants were Rev. Fr. Sebastian Poomattam the vice president of RDSWS the Vicar General of Raipur Diocese, Rev. Fr. Joseph Raj Director of RDSWS and all the governing body members . During this meeting the Annual Report of RDSWS and the financial report were presented by Mr. Anand Bawane & Tulesh Dewangan . After the presentation Archbishop appreciated the Fr. Joseph Raj & all the staff for all the work for the development of the people in Chhattisgarh.

    Childrens Day celebration

    Childrens day celebration was celebrated at Nachaniya, Sarai Patra, and Sarodhi . On this occasion all the PRI members , SMC, MS, villagers were invited to participate in the program .There were sports , poem, drawing & rangoli competition was conducted for the students. All the children enjoyed the day .

    Coaching Centre of Kansa

    Computer Centre Inauguration at Hasda centre on 31st October 2017

    Annual Review Meeting (Misereor)

    Annual Review Meeting of RDSWS was conducted on 24th and 25th, 2017 at sea sadhan, Tatibandh, Raipur Chhattisgarh under the guidance of Fr. Joseph Raj Director of RDSWS & Chief Coordinator Mr. Anand S Bawane, Sr. Deepti Minj Regional coordinator of CG forum, Sr. Lily field coordinators, animators and the members of the women's federation. 50 federation leaders attended the workshop from different blocks and gram panchayats of Raipur district.

    Tree Plantation
    Tree plantation is most important to save our planet. Trees are not only remove harmful chemicals from the soil ,but also helps to reduce the greenhouse leading to global warming . People are empowered to protect the environment and motivated to plant the saplings in the land. There are 150 families planted the saplings of different verities.

    Health Camp
    Health camp was conducted in Golardih , Salhewara , Sarai Patera and Dalli . The doctors from the Government hospital came for a health checkup. The total 521 patients received free checkup and medicine for their various sicknesses.

    Interface Meeting with Villagers
    Interface meeting was held at Sarai patera, Bandhatola ,Bansbiharaand and Golardih with Mr. Maheshwar the field coordinator .

    Child Club
    Bal Sansad meeting was conducted by field coordinator Mr. Maheshwar in 5 schools at Chhuhiya, Sarai patera, Bandhatola, Bansbihara and Golardih.

    Income Generating Activities
    1. Pig Farming and Livelihood
    Pig farming creates job opportunities for low-income and contributes in many ways to improve the livelihood of poor and vulnerable small-scale farmers. The total number of 7 villages namely Dalli, Sarodhi, Sarai, Patera, Chhuhiya, Bansbihara and Nachaniya of the federation and families are involved in pig farming for adding income and livelihood .

    2. Goat Farming
    This project aims to build capacity and promote self-reliance among poor farmers and widows through improved income . The total number of 5 villages Namely Gopaltola ,Lalpur, Nachaniya ,Golardih and Bandhatola of 8 families are involved in goat farming . Goat farming as an alternative income generating activities.

    3. Hotel
    Amilal Yadav is from village called Devpuraghat. He has no land. He started his income generating activity through small hotel with Rs. 3500/-. He goes to the 5 different village market where he earns monthly Rs. 2000/- for his sustainability . Through this activity he is able to support his family .

    Kansa & Charpara Panchayat Federation Visit (Misereor)

    On 25th of February 2016 field visit was conducted to assess and give input to Panchayat Federation of Kansa which coming under Dabra block of Janjgir-champa district. The key participants were Fr. Joseph Raj the Director of RDSWS, Mr. Anand the chief Coordinator of RDSWS and Mr. Sanjeev the Regional Coordinator of C.G forum and all other federation members. There were total 20 Federation members participated in the meeting, out of that 12 members are the main leaders of the federation. The meeting was started around 2.30pm afternoon. The Objective of visit is to assess/evaluate the panchayat federation and to know the status of effective function of panchayat federation in Kansa.

    On 26th of February 2016 field visit was conducted to assess and give input to Panchayat Federation of Charpara which coming under Malkhordha block of Janjgir-champa district. The key participants were Fr. Joseph Raj the Director of RDSWS, Mr. Anand the chief Coordinator of RDSWS and Mr. Sanjeev the Regional Coordinator of C.G forum and all other federation members. There were total 22 Federation members participated in the meeting out of that 10 members are the main leaders of the federation. The meeting was started around 2.00pm afternoon. The Objective of visit is to assess/evaluate the panchayat federation and to know the status of effective function of panchayat federation in Charpara.

    State Annual Review Meeting

    State Review Meeting on Gram Nirman- a project of Caritas India was held  on 12th & 13th August 2015 .

    The State officer Miss. Archana  Minz, Miss. Pramila Dung Dung advocacy officer of Caritas India conducted the Review. The participants were - Rev.Fr. Deonis Director of Ambikapur Dioceses (AASHA), Rev.Fr. Manoj Director of Raigarh Dioceses (VSSS), Mr. Anand Bawne the chief Coordinator of RDSWS Raipur, and all other field animators of DSSS.

    Workshop Report on Better functioning of Federations (Misereor)

    On 23rd & 24th July 2015, 2 days of workshop was conducted in Sewa Sadan Campus under the guidance of Fr. Joseph Raj Director of RDSWS & Chief Coordinator Mr. Anand S Bawane. Total 50 federation leaders attended in the workshop from different blocks and gram panchayats of Raipur district.

    Availability of Drinking water

    Kharri village, Gram Panchayat Beldih is situated in Malkhorda block of Jangiri-Champa district and around 15km distance from Malkhorda block. With the help of Federation  safe Drinking water tank was constructed.

    Construction of new WBM road

    Satgarh village, Gram Panchayat Amridih is situated in Malkhorda block from distance around 18km. This WBM road constructed from the MLA fund with the great mobilization of VDC members, SHGs members. This road connects to  Satgarh village to Borai stream  and to connect different other villages.


    Review Meeting on Gram Nirman & PESA Hamara Haq

    On 9th & 10th September 2015 Gram Nirman & PESA Hamara Haq meeting was held in Sewa Sadan campus Tatibandh. Miss. Archana Minz the state program officer, Miss. Pramila Dung advocacy officer, Miss. Puspa Dahayan PSO, Miss. Asha Ekka state manager and Mr. Dinesh Prajapati the finance officer from Caritas India and Directors of all DSSS Fr. Deonish from Ambikapur, Fr. Manoj from Raigarh, Fr. Kanchhan from Jashpur and Fr. Thomash from Jagdalpur along with their coordinators, all together total 28 participants participated in 2days meeting.

    Formation of Forest Rights Committees

    Under the guidance of RDSWS  in Chilpi Forest Rights Committees are formed to an act  different role and Responsibility to Create awareness and  mass mobilization to get Community Forest Rights and Individual Forest Rights